Friday, December 13, 2013

The Sinking of the Maine

        On February 15, 1898 the United State's most advanced battle ship sank due to what most people thought was from the Spanish.   The sinking of the Maine was one of the most important events in the Spanish American war.  The Maine was Americas most advanced and expensive ship for its time.  The US sent the Maine to Cuba to fight against the Spanish fleets, but during the fight the Maine exploded killing 75% of the crew.  To this day no one knows why the Maine blew up, but  some say it was from a Spanish ship or an undetected fire from one of the coal bunkers.  Today the ship lays at the bottom of the Strait of Florida.

       Since the Americans thought that the Spanish blew up their ship they went to war with them starting the Spanish American war.  The Americans were furious about Spain sinking their ship,and created one of the most famous sayings.  "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain" this cry was heard throughout America and was an excuse for America to get involved in the war against Spain.

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